Protection Against Cyber Attacks

Posted 23rd November 2016 News, Technical

Cyber security is about protecting your computer-based equipment and information from unintended or unauthorised access, change, theft or destruction. The Internet brings huge business opportunities and benefits but it also brings risks.

ITPRO have reported that 26% of British businesses ‘have no protection against cyber attacks’. Although businesses understand the importance of digital innovation, they aren’t prepared for the challenges. However, almost all (93%) agree that a connected digital infrastructure is essential to address customer needs, but their infrastructure isn’t ready to deal with these growing demands.

Mach One can carry out an IT Risk Assessment of your organisation’s systems covering areas such as servers, data storage, workstations, mobile devices, email, internet access, cloud services and anti-virus. We will then put together a plan for implementing the required measures and document the process for your records. Further details can be found here or Contact Us to discuss your requirements.



Whatever your support requirement, we will work with you to tailor a package that specifically suits your needs. Get in touch with us today to arrange a consultation.

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